
Archive for the ‘Post A Day’ Category


The Daily Post asks: Who is the most patient person you know?

I would have to say my Mom. She is much more patient than anyone I know, really. She has her moments of course, but who doesn’t? In general, she can tolerate a lot more crap without losing her cool than most anyone I know. She’s always been able to calm people down if they’re in the middle of a heated argument and then talk them through it. She just has that calming aura around her I guess. She’s very maternal, and I guess patience comes with being maternal.

I certainly didn’t inherit that trait from her. I’m so impatient with everything and I hate waiting. She has no problem sitting in a waiting room for 45 min. Me? I would be pacing back and forth, having already flipped through every magazine available, and be on the verge of walking out.

Her patience is something I try to aim for. It doesn’t always work, but she does inspire me to be more patient.



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The Daily Post asks: Do you like surprises?

It all depends on the surprise. A surprise birthday party? Yes, I love those. A surprise visit from a close friend? Another winner. A giant spider hiding in the shower? Not so much. An unknown credit card charge for $500? No thanks.

I do like surprises to a certain extent. I’m a planner, I like to plan things. When plans get changed, it takes me a moment to reconsider everything and then I’m ok with whatever else we have to do. But surprises can be fun, too, of course!

What was the best surprise of my year? I think the best one would have to be finding out that I got tickets to Rockfest and that Korn would be signing autographs. That was an excellent surprise!

The worst surprise? Finding out that my aunt had committed suicide. That was definitely a very tragic surprise, nobody was expecting it.

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The Daily Post asks:  Would you rather have the first word, or the last?

I hate arguments. I tend to shy away from them. With that in mind, I almost never have the first word. If I do somehow get pulled into an argument, I prefer to have the last word.

Overall, it doesn’t really matter who gets the first or last word. I think the words that make up the entire argument are the ones that should be focused on. Yeah, it’s nice to get that one last jab and sometimes they can be the most hurtful words of the entire argument.

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The topic of the Daily Post for today is Rhthym.

Rhythm is important. We all have our own rhythm. It shows in our writing. I studied rhythm and meter. Poetry is made up of these. Trying to force rhythm is hard. Writing this is hard. It’s easier to follow your natural flow. This feels awkward.

It’s actually really hard to write in short sentences like that. To me, short sentences make me feel almost panicked, like everything is rushed and cut too short. Overly long sentences can seem either like rambling or like way too much detail.

I actually know two people who talk in those two extremes. Honestly, there are times it drives me crazy. My friend, she is always talking so fast and stopping short of what she was saying. It’s hard to keep up with her at times. She’ll call me up and say, “Hi! I saw this movie. It was really good. You should watch it. I think it’s called “Some movie.” So and so also loved it. Are you gonna see it?” Meanwhile, I’m still trying to process everything she just said.

Whereas my Mother, she goes into detail about every last thing. It’s maddening. A phone call from her sounds like, ” I was watering my plants the other day and I noticed this leaf that was much lighter green than any of the other leaves so leaned in to get a better look at it, and I swear to god, a bee came zooming out from somewhere inside the pot and nearly gave me a heart attack.” She will squeeze and entire story into one sentence.

For them, it sounds normal. I suppose I probably write somewhere in the middle. When I write prose, I honestly don’t pay attention to it until I revise. Only then, I’ll focus on the rhythm and length of my sentences. When I write poetry, I do pay a lot more attention to my lines and sentences.

Hmm, I feel like this post got away from me.

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The Daily Post asks: Describe the perfect sandwich.

First off, $5,000 for sandwich?! I don’t know if I could eat something that was so expensive. Can I just get a Subway sandwich for $5 and use the rest for my student loans?

My perfect sandwich would be a grilled cheese. Not just a plain old cheddar cheese grilled cheese, though. It would look like this:

It’s made with sourdough bread, prosciutto, basil, asiago or mozzarella (or maybe both), crushed red pepper, and tomatoes.

Now I’m hungry!

Grilled cheese sandwiches, for me, are a comfort food. It brings me back to my childhood since it was one of the first things I learned to cook by myself. Of course, back then, I used white bread and slices of processed cheese. I still have the occasional “classic” grilled cheese sandwich, though I much prefer this more grown-up version.

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The Daily Post asks: Does technology help you write?

I started writing long before I had a clue of any sort of writing technology. For the most part, I used pen and paper. I still do in fact. Sometimes, it’s easiest for me to get sit in a comfortable spot in my room with a notebook and just scribble whatever comes into my head. That’s when I get most of my ideas.

Technology is definitely helpful in the writing process. Say, editing and revising. Rather than rewriting an entire page because you wanted to move a paragraph to a different spot, it’s a simple cut and paste.

I don’t ask much of technology to help me write. Whatever I need or want to write, I can whether or not there is any sort of technology around me.

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The Daily Post asks: Do this experiment to generate a post idea.

Honestly, I started thinking about Breaking Bad! Only because I have just finished Season 3 and am dying to start the 4th Season. I tend to get a little obsessive over t.v. shows. It’s one of the ways I escape from reality. I get really attached to certain characters.

Between Breaking Bad and Doctor Who, I’m surprised I haven’t had a heart attack or a brain aneurysm. One of them leaves me stunned and scrambling to get to the next episode while the other sends me into a confused state of frenzy, trying to figure out what in the hell actually is going on.

TV is a great distraction from life. Don’t get me wrong, I love life and all but sometimes it’s nice to just get that escape, like with reading. Reading and TV, my main go-to escapism’s. Without them, I think I’d go completely mad.

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The Daily Post asks: Write a review of the last movie you saw.

(I’m not that great at reviewing movies but here goes.)

The last movie I watched was Ruby in the Smoke (2006).

It aired on PBS’s Masterpeice Theater. I like a lot of the movies/TV shows that are aired on Masterpeice Theater and this one included two of my favorite actors, Billie Piper and Matt Smith. Yes, they are both Doctor Who stars but I also really enjoy their acting.


The movie is based off of a series of books, I believe. I haven’t read them so I can’t compare the film to book. It’s set in Victorian England and Billie Piper plays Sally Lockhart, a young woman who recently lost her father and is living with her aunt. She recieves a strange letter and the entire film is then about her trying to solve the mystery and avoid being killed by Mrs. Holland, who is trying to solve the same mystery.

Overall, the movie was ok. It did get a little stale towards the middle but soon picked up again. I thought Billie Piper was great as Sally Lockhart, her character kept me interested in the film when it seemed to drag on in some places.

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The Daily Post asks: Name a food you used to like – what changed?

I love food. It’s hard to think of some kind of food I don’t like. There are many foods I used to hate but have come to love…

I used to love salmon. I probably still would if it weren’t for the fact that I’m very allergic to it. I think I was about 13 when I had my first and only reaction to it. I broke out in severe hives. I remember eating a bunch of smoked salmon that my uncle had brought over and later that night I started to not feel so well.

My mom noticed red splotches on my arm and we just assumed it was from being in the sun for too long. The next morning, I woke up and I when I tried to get up, my whole body felt like it was on fire. I started crying from both the pain and because I didn’t know what was going on.

After several long hours in the ER, they concluded that it was just an allergic reaction to the fish. I spent the next week on the couch covered in calamine lotion and battling a fever. It was quite the experience.

Needless to say, as much as I once loved salmon, I consider it my enemy now.

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Nanowrimo is just around the corner and I am going to take it seriously this time around. I have attempted it several times in the past. Each time, I went in throwing aimless punches. I had no idea what I was writing. I just assumed it would come to me. Now, after several times of no plotting, character sketches, or really any sort of planning at all, I think I’ve finally learned my lesson. Being prepared for this type of thing is a good idea!

This year, I am determined to finish. I’m in planning mode (what that consists of exactly, I’ve yet to find out). I have an actual plot idea and am working on an outline. I’m not sure if this particular method will work wonderfully for me or not, but I’m going to go with it. I don’t think I need to go overboard in the planning. A simple chapter outline, maybe, and some character sketches should suffice.

Things I am doing/preparing for:

I feel like there’s so much to do and not nearly enough time to do any of it! I love writing so much. I just want to start sharing my love of it with others who feel the same.

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